Now, let‘s welcome the new member of the XGO family: XGO-Rider, the World‘s First Desktop Two Wheel-Legged Robot with AI.
Compared to other wheeled-legged robots on the market, XGO-Rider is compact and agile, a new companion on your desk. Additionally, XGO-Rider is competitively priced, offering a cost-effective choice of wheeled-legged robot for consumers, robotics, and programming enthusiasts.
The design of the xGO-Rider is nothing short of ingenious. lts omni directionalmobility allows it to maneuver effortlessly in tight spaces. The self-balancingtechnology is the icing on the cake, keeping it steady as a rock on both flatsurfaces and uneven terrain.
Built on the Raspberry Pi CM4 core module and integrated with ChatGPT, XGO-Rider boasts various AI features including Gesture Recognition, Face Detection, Skeleton Recognition, and more.
We also have a micro:bit version of XGO-Rider, which is built on a micro:bit motherboard and can be used in conjunction with the Makecode/MicroBlocks programming platform. This version is particularly suited to children's initial programming learning.
XGO-Rider is integrated with ChatGPT voice functions, enabling free conversation. Try to chat with XGO-Rider!